Your Academic Experience
At UCLA, we offer a range of academic resources specifically designed to help first-year students succeed. UCLA is committed to providing first-year students with the tools and resources necessary to achieve academic success.
We encourage you to take advantage of these resources and reach out to us if you have any questions or concerns. We look forward to supporting you throughout your academic journey at UCLA!
Amanda's Academic Experience
Your first year of classes are a time of opportunity and transition. You have the chance to take classes taught by world renowned professors surrounded by an engaging community of learners.
Be kind to yourself as you may need to adjust and adapt new study habits. Go to office hours to connect and ask your professors and TAs (teaching assistants, current grad students) and make study groups. In my experience, the only dumb question is the one not asked.
I failed my first college midterm which made me doubt my ability to succeed in UCLA classes. I started attending office hours with my professor where I asked clarifying questions, did practice problems together, and received additional study strategies. With this guidance as well as support from classmates during study groups I ended with an A in the class.
I believe in you all, take advantage of all the people who want to help you!

Start Here!

Need a place to study? Reserve group rooms for 1-2 hours located in dorm buildings.

Apply for housing accommodations and academic accommodations such a testing for testing. Join a drop in session!

Tutoring, academic & professional counseling for historically underrepresented populations. Check out the Peer Learning tutor help application

Academic Advisors help with intellectual, professional, and personal development. Discuss major requirements, your Degree Audit Report (DAR), career aspirations and more.
Amanda's Tips: Begin thinking about your organization system prior to classes starts. Whether it be Google Calendar, Notion, or a physical planner — fill in your class schedule, the term calendar, exam dates, and any other important dates on your syllabi.
Recommended Resources
Navigating the "MyUCLA" Website tutorial - Watch this video and familiarize yourself with the MyUCLA website. Explore the links at the top of the page.
Class Planner - Find details about enrolled classes (final exam times, units, location), plan future classes, and view enrollment appointment times. Check out the “Navigating MyUCLA Class Planner” YouTube tutorial.
Download the Term Calendar- Save dates such as enrollment and drop deadlines, and when future enrollment appointments are released.
Fiat Luxes- These are 1-unit courses offered for Freshmen every quarter. The give an opportunity to explore special topics from meditation, anthropology, music, engineering, and more! To enroll go to the Find a Class and Enroll page on MyUCLA and search by “Fiat Lux Classes.”
Connect to the UCLA VPN - Connect to gain access UCLA resources such as the online library and academic papers.
Amanda’s Tips: Show up—attend and be present—is so important! Attend lectures, discussions, and extra study sessions held by professors, TAs, learning assistants, or classmates. Write down questions and take them to office hours! Put your phone on ‘focus’ or keep it out sight during class or while studying. Meet with a counselor to make a degree plan too!
Recommended Resources:
Degree Progress Audit Report - Find all the requirements for your major. Use it to plan out classes to enroll in for winter and all other future quarters. Meet with a counselor to ensure that the classes you want to enroll in will count towards your degree. You can also ask them to help you make a degree plan!
Undergraduate Writing Center - You will receive individualized attention to your writing from a trained PLF. They will work with you on any assignment and at any stage of the writing or research process. Also, even if you do not have a written draft, they will work with you to brainstorm ideas and identify good ideas to start your paper.
Laptop and Equipment Loans - The UCLA Library lends laptops, iPads and small technology items at seven locations. Loans are made in person only. Find lending locations, equipment availability, and contact information on their website!
WEPA Printing Locations - WEPA is the name of the printing stations located around Hill and across campus. Download the WEPA app and upload money to your Bruin Card to pay. Find print, copy, and scan info on the UCLA Library Services & Resources page! There is also a resource for free printing at the Student Activities Center (SAC) located in Wilson Plaza.
UCLA Library Hours - Find the list of libraries on campus along with their hours for that day!
Study Nights on the Hill - Proctored study spaces available Sunday - Thursday in Epicuria @ Covel beginning Sunday of week 4 from 10pm - 2am. Additional locations open near Finals Week. Follow @uclafirstyearexperience on Instagram for more information on proctored study spaces on The Hill.
STEM tutoring hosted by Tau Beta Phi - They offer free drop-in tutoring in all STEM courses at our office (Boelter 6266). Stop by for homework help or pre-exam practice. Hours: Mon-Fri, 10 am - 4 pm, Weeks 3 - 9.
Amanda’s Tips: Start the day with small manageable tasks to get in a productive mode. Practice Self-Care. Sleep, good meals, and scheduled breaks are just as important! If you are interested in getting a summer internships or getting involved in research for the next year winter quarter is the time to start looking!
Recommended Resources:
Career Center - Career counseling, interview preparation and much more!
UCLA One - Connect with Alumni and find summer opportunities
UCLA Study Abroad: International Education Office - Explore the study abroad website to search for programs for next year. It is recommended you start your study abroad search 4-12 months before you would like to travel abroad! Find 4 week, quarter, or year programs or attend drop-in office hours to ask questions!
Amanda’s Tips: Study in places that you know you are most productive in. Maybe your dorm or apartment is great for your personal space but not your exam study space…however, maybe it is productive space! Maybe these productive spaces are different for different tasks such as reading, writing, or studying for exams. Be reflective and set intentions to work and relax in the places that work for you!
Recommended Resources:
UCLA Minor List - Search through the list of over 90 minors from Bioinformatics or Food studies to Geology or Professional Writing. A minor is a wonderful way to explore your interests and make you a more qualified and diverse job applicant.
Undergraduate Research Portal - Find Labs, Professors will post their requests for students to work in their labs on this website!
Check it out! Recommended Academic Event
Major Blast: Tues., Oct 29th, 2024 (Week 5) - The biggest major exploration event of the year! Meet with professors and advisors in each department to explore more within your current major or find one you may be interested in declaring.