Common Experience Events
The Common Experience: Hack on the Hill w/ UCLA ACM

This year, the Common Experience collaborated with UCLA ACM to support their annual 12-hour hackathon, Hack on the Hill! A beginner friendly hackathon designed specifically for first timers, this year's event centered around the Common Experience's theme of intersectionality; specifically, the incorporation of an intersectional environmentalism judging category encouraged participants to reflect and take action towards a more equitable environmental movement. The winner of the Common Experience category this year was BruinThrift!
The Common Experience: "Mariposas Del Campo" Screening and Q&A

The Common Experience joins Rural Bruins and partners to showcase "Mariposa Del Campo", sharing the story of teenage agricultural workers working in Oxnard, California. Join us as we discuss the intersectionality of environmental justice, cultural identity, and the rights of the migrant farmworker community. We invite you to join us on April 5th 7:00-9:00PM at Northwest Campus Auditorium for a screening of the documentary, as well as a discussion with guest faculty and filmmakers!